ADTV (Average Daily Trading Volume): A metric used to identify the volume of trades that a certain asset generates per day, on average, in the market. In other words, it represents the average business – sale and purchase – per day, for a certain period.
Allowance: Provision of the lessor’s own resources to carry out works in areas that will be occupied by tenants.
Amenities: Facilities or services offered in the Company’s projects. Ex: golf course, club, spa, wave pool, among others.
Anchor stores: A store that is larger than ordinary stores and that may attract a larger audience to the mall, as it is known nationally or internationally.
Asset light: Businesses that have few assets allocated to their balance sheet.
B3: Balcão, Bolsa, Brasil, is the stock exchange of Brazil.
BVM: Boa Vista Market.
Capex: Amount of capital allocated to investments in the Company’s projects.
CDI: Interbank Deposit Certificates are securities issued by banks as a means of raising or investing surplus funds. Its profitability is used as a parameter in several financial applications.
CFO: Catarina Fashion Outlet.
CJS: Cidade Jardim Shops.
Cluster: Large areas of land where multi-use projects are developed.
Common Shares: Shares that give the right to vote at the company’s general meetings.
Contracted sales: Refers to the value of contracts with customers, related to the sale of finished units or when launching projects in the development segment.
CPC: Accounting Pronouncements Committee
CPSV: Cost of Products and Services Sold
CVM (Securities and Exchange Commission): it is an autonomous entity, with the purpose of disciplining, inspecting and developing the securities market.
Debentures: Debt securities issued by companies.
Dividends: Earnings (parts of a company’s profit) that are distributed among its shareholders.
EBITDA: Net income for the period, plus taxes on profit, financial expenses net of financial income and depreciation, amortization and depletion. The EBITDA calculation may be adjusted for non-recurring items, which contribute to the information on the potential of gross cash generation in the Company’s operations. Adjusted EBITDA does not have a standardized meaning and our definition may not be comparable to those used by other companies.
ESG: Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance.
FBV: Fazenda Boa Vista
Follow on: Subsequent offering of shares of a publicly traded company.
GLA (Gross Leasable Area): Corresponds to the areas available for rental in malls.
GAT GRU: (General Aviation Terminal) – Executive Aviation Terminal at the Guarulhos International Airport.
H&G: Hotels and Gastronomy.
Hospitality: Hosting services.
IBOV: Ibovespa, is the main performance indicator of shares traded on B3 and brings together the most important companies in the Brazilian capital market.
IGP-M: Índice Geral de Preços do Mercado, is the General Market Price Index
INCC: Índice Nacional de Custo de Construção, is the National Construction Cost Index
Indexer: Term used to refer to the indices used as a basis for correcting the monetary values of a given asset.
IPCA: Broad National Consumer Price Index, is one of the most traditional and important inflation indices in Brazil.
IPO: The Initial Public Offering, occurs when it is the first time that the company comes to the market / stock exchange offering its shares.
ITR: Quarterly Information
Kickoff: First steps in project design.
Landbank: Land bank that JHSF has to develop future projects.
Liquidity: Speed and ease with which an asset can be converted into cash.
LTM (Last Twelve Months): Metric used for analyzes referring to the last twelve months from the base date.
Minimum rent: Amount paid by the tenant, based on the square meters rented, according to the location in the development.
Novo Mercado: The Novo Mercado gathers the shares of companies that adopt corporate governance practices in addition to those required by Brazilian law. These practices include the implementation of a set of corporate rules that expand the rights of shareholders and a more transparent and comprehensive information disclosure policy.
NOI: Net Operating Income, is a financial indicator that represents the result of the operation, after deduction of costs and expenses.
Occupancy Cost: Cost of renting a store as a percentage of sales. Includes rent and other expenses (condominium and promotional fund).
Occupancy Rate: Area leased due to the GLA of each mall at the end of the period presented.
Own GLA: GLA referring to the percentage that JHSF holds of the malls in its portfolio.
Off-balance: Asset or liability not recognised in the accounts in the period under review.
p.p: percentage points.
Percentage Rent: Percentage charge applied to the retailer’s gross revenue.
POC Method (Percentage of Completion): Accounting method of recognizing the revenue of the real estate development segment according to the cost incurred (evolution of the work).
PPI: Investment Properties are represented, substantially, by our investments in shopping centers, developed and operated by the Company, which, within its strategy, are maintained to earn rental income and / or for capital appreciation, with eventual monetization for sale of minority interests.
Primary Offering: Issuance and sale of the Company’s shares. The proceeds from the sale go to the company’s cash.
Private Area: Area marketed/to be marketed for development projects.
PSV (Potential sales value): Value calculated by adding the potential sales value of all units of a project to be launched.
Receivables Portfolio: Accounts receivable from units sold in the development segment.
Restricted Offering: This type of offer is aimed at professional investors who have more than R$ 10 million in investments.
RevPar (Revenue per Available Room): Index equivalent to multiplying the Average Daily Rate for a given period by the Occupancy Rate.
Revenue to be performed: Corresponds to contracted sales whose revenue will be appropriated in future periods depending on the evolution of the cost incurred in the work.
SAR (Same Area Rent): Ratio between rent billed in the same area in the current period compared to the same period in the previous year.
SAS (Same Area Sales): Relationship between sales in the same area in the current period compared to the same period in the previous year.
Satellite stores: Smaller store related to anchor stores (less than 500 m2 of GLA).
SBV: Shopping Bela Vista.
SCJ: Shopping Cidade Jardim.
Secondary Offering: Sale of existing shares. In this case, the proceeds of the sale go to the sellers (most of the time partners) and not to the Company’s cash.
SPN: Shopping Ponta Negra.
Spread: difference, appropriated by the financial intermediary, between the interest rate charged to the borrower and the interest rate that remunerates the investor of funds.
SSR (Same store rent): Ratio between rent billed in the same area in the current period compared to the same period in the previous year.
SSS (Same Store Sales): Ratio between sales made in the same stores in the current period compared to sales in these same stores in the period of the previous year.
Stock Options: Type of variable remuneration in which companies offer their employees the purchase of shares. The objective is to improve the working relationship, in addition to bringing employees closer to the company’s development.
YTD: Analysis of the current year.
Yield on cost: Indicator that represents the return received based on the initial investment.